Wednesday, December 7, 2011

English homework due before break

Hi all:

So, here is a list of the work that is due by the end of next week:

1) You all have received back from me the drafts for the book review - make changes and post it on the community blog by midnight on Friday (12/16)

2) Although some of you have already submitted it, I need you to submit a draft of the critical paper of your independent reading by this Friday (12/9). I will look over them at the weekend and give them back to you next week. You will post the final draft of the paper on the community blog by midnight on Friday (12/16).

3) Go online and choose a poem by Emily Dickinson. Over the next few classes we will be doing recitations of the poem that you choose, and you will also have to spend a couple of minutes explaining why you chose the poem and what you liked about it. Please let me know what poem you chose so we can project in while you present it. This will be a graded oral exercise!

Any questions let me know!

Mr. T-S

Friday, December 2, 2011

Homework for next class

Hi all:

Sorry about missing class today - but hopefully you enjoyed the grammar worksheets :-)

Seeing as I was unable to get the drafts back to you today, you will be unable to post them this weekend on the blog. Instead, please start/continue working on a draft for the formal paper. For next class, please bring in a draft of the paper into class. I will return your drafts from the book review and then you can make the changes and post it on the blog by Thursday. By Thursday's class, I will return to you the drafts of the formal paper and then you can work on it and post it over next weekend.

“Analyze and explain one theme from the novel you read? Don't just give me one word, but a statement, an idea. (please refer to the definitions from our class discussions)
Consider one of the major characters. This character does things and says things that address this theme, either directly or indirectly. Describe the character for me (as if I were unfamiliar with the novel) and explain for me, using events in the novel, how this character's actions are used to address this theme. Please refer directly to the book to illustrate and reinforce your argument”

This paper will be between 3&4 pages, double-spaced, one-inch margins, double spaced.